Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Blog #1

For the analytical essay, the topics I am considering are:

- how privatization affects the middle class specifically. I found this especially interesting in the "Paying for the Party" article and would like to develop this further. I was especially intrigued by the stories of the "wannabes"

-how privatization has affected women in society ,including undergraduate and post-graduate life choices. Being a college woman, I feel I relate to this topic the most and find it the most interesting.

- how privatization affects the upper class less than the middle/lower classes and why. It is clear that the upper class is less affected by the privatization of education and end up to be successful either way. I think it would be interesting to compare and contrast the undergraduate/postgraduate differences between middle and upper class students. It appears that family stature is a more impactful determinant of a student's future success than educational ambition is.

1 comment:

  1. Samantha -- You and Tara seem to have misunderstood the blog assignments. The point of the blog is to support your final paper. This first post asks you what you are thinking of writing about for the final paper. Please redo the blog post with that in mind.
